
Twin Falls - about choppers, balers and bridges!

Hi Followers,

I was last week in Twin Falls, Idaho - the place where Evel Knievel tried to jump over the Snake River Canyon, and one of the only places, where it is allowed to jump off bridges.

But it is also the place, where many people like to see the Krone BiG Pack 1290 HDP and the BiG Pack 12130. So our salesman from Burks Tractor and me had a lot of work, and we did some really good demos.
We showed both balers in wheat and barley straw, and the 12130 XC also in Alfalfa.

But the Highlight of the last week was a field day at the Idaho State University. In the morning we learned a lot about silage quality, and after lunch every company said a few words about their products - in front of my BiG Pack RoadShow Trailer! With the "operate the best - outperform the rest" slogan in the background.

Later that afternoon we were all able to show our choppers in the field. So all operators jumped into their cabins to fold the head together, and drove to the field - Everybody? No, not everybody! Our friends from Harsewinkel didn't like to play with us!

We were with our BiG X 1000 with EasyCollect 7500 the first one at the field, so we also started to cut the corn - but the field was with 2,5 acres small, and there were also NH, JD and the repairing Claas crew, so they told us, that we can also chop some 4 ft tall Sudangras, if we like.
But here some pictures with corn:

A special present from New Holland was a free "corn shower" for all visitors!

But much better was the performance in Sudangras. We went into the field, and were able to chop with up to 12 mph. It looked really perfect. The EasyCollect did a great job, and the chopping quality was perfect. The sound of the 1000 horsepower was really great.

Claas did one slower row, and then the Orbis decided "enough!" They plugged up! After couple of returns the head was free again, but only for a few more foot. They plugged up more and more, and after two more times they were done.

New Holland made it two times - every time perhaps ten feet into the field, but nothing came out of the shoot. Then they were done too!

And John Deere did it like a Deere - they saw the mass with Claas and New Holland, and turned around and ran away. They didn't even enter the field.
So we had to do all the work, and we finished the field in a few more minutes!
All the visitors were really impressed about the good performance of the KRONE BiG X 1000 - The King of the choppers!

So far!

See you