
Goodbye California - Nevada, here we come!

Hi Followers,

after a busy week with lots of demos I leave California tomorrow and we will go over the mountains to Nevada - Wellington, Smith Valley. Within the last two weeks we had six really good demonstrations and we baled oats, Alfalfa and wheat hay. We had rain, we had good weather, small and huge windrows - so nearly every conditions. 

But the performance of the Krone baler was very well - all the time! 
One day we baled for example together with a competitor baler in the same field. My speed was up to 16 mph, his speed was probably 9 mph, and my bales were with 1808 - 1880 lbs 300 lbs heavier than his bales (1477 - 1570 lbs)

The baleshape was perfect - all the time - and I didn't had any problems with the machine jet. Only at one demonstration the both outside knotters didn't like to work any more after 93 bales. I couldn't find a mistake and we were luckily done at the field. The next day I tried it again, and I never had any more problems after that day.

So I had a very good time the last few weeks in California - I baled in Bakersfield, Corcoran, Hanford, Turlock, Modesto and Escalon - and I hope the Customers I baled for liked our machine also very much.

It's time to say Goodbye California and Nevada, here we come!

Regards Niklas

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