
Bakersfield - the Show must go on!

Hi Followers,

Yesterday evening we did the next demonstration here in Bakersfield. Because of the time and the darkness it was not possible, to take much pictures, but I did some few.

The location was south of Bakersfield on Old River Road nearby Highway 119. We had to bale Alfalfa Hay for the customer. I asked him before the demonstration how heavy he would like to have the bales, and he answered me "really heavy, but what is heavy? Perhaps 1200 lbs?" I decided to start with 85% plungerforce to made the first 96 inch long bales. My colleagues weight the bales directly with our small Case scale tractor and the scale showed us 1765 lbs. It was a bale with 13% moisture in average. Our customer was really surprised but also a little bit nervous if his bale wagon can load these bales, but after a call to the driver his doubts were gone and we were able to continue making heavy bales. With a speed of 8 to 9 mph one nice bale after the other came out of the bale chamber. We dropped down the plungerforce to 70%, because the Harvest Tec moisturemeter told us, the moisture raised up to 16%. We also speeded a little bit up to get less flakes in the bale, but the weight still stayed at 1700 lbs.

The customer had also his baler in the field - a Freeman 1592. The average bale weight of his baler was at 6 mph 1100 lbs. A big difference, but his baler is also not a HDP baler.
After we were done with the field after only 21 bales, he was very happy with the Krone baler. We talked a few minutes about the technics and I explained and showed him lots of details about our baler.

At the end of the day it was also a very successful demonstration, I thing the customer liked our machine very much, and when I came back today all the bales were out of the field. So the bale wagon also did a good job!

So far!


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